Tips for Students to Manage Exam Stress

Today with high competition, students face a very tough situation. With increasing population, the competition for any field is increasing day by day. At the same time, the expectation from parents is also on the higher side. This throws a challenge on students to play a very crucial role.

Competition has become a sort of inseparable part which makes students paranoid as well as vulnerable to stress. The examination fever and the necessity for scoring high percentage add to all these problems. This causes a sort of tension and anxiety in their minds. The stress is more prevalent during the Board Examinations or other competitive examinations. Sleepless nights, disturbing thoughts, high pulse rate, trembling hands or nervousness are some of the common symptoms of exam fear.

Also there are other problems which many students suffer like lack of self confidence, lack of courage, feeling of insecurity, personality problems, attitudinal problems, fear, lack of communication etc. Such cases need to be addressed and many a times outside help is required like counseling or advising students as well as their parents.

So it becomes very important for parents as well as students to tackle these types of situations with utmost care.

It is quite necessary for students to have faith in themselves.

The students should develop an attitude like “I will do well in exams and I can pass”.

They should think positively as well as take things in the right perspective and not have negative thoughts.

Do not put yourselves under tremendous pressure and do not worry.

Start preparing right from day one when the academic year begins.

There are many other positive steps to encounter such situations like putting in hard work, following a particular time table, doing regular physical exercises along with meditation, getting help through advices or counseling etc.

There are many webinar trainings and webinar courses which are being conducted online to address student’s problems. Nowadays webinars are a great medium to get tips as well as learn online.

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